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Do you have concerns about mould?

How can mould affect humans?

Mould is in the air we breathe everyday and similar to allergies, each person will react differently.

Most moulds are not harmful, however those sensitive can be affected by some of the following:

•  Nasal and sinus congestion                            
•  Hayfever                     
•  Sore throat and hacking cough
•  Headaches, rashes and eye irritations           
•  Aches and pains        
•  Diarrhoea, Fever

How can I be exposed to mould?

When moulds are disturbed, they release spores into the air. You can be exposed by breathing air containing these mould spores. You can also be exposed through touching mouldy items, eating mouldy food or accidental hand to mouth contact.



What makes mould grow in my home?

Mould enters your home as tiny spores. The spores need moisture to begin growing, digesting and destroying. Moulds can grow on almost any surface, including; wood, ceiling tiles, wallpaper, paints, carpet, sheet rock, and insulation. The mould grows best when there is lots of moisture from a leaky roof, high humidity, or flood. There is no way to get rid of all moulds and mould spores from your home. But you can control mould growth by keeping your home dry. Below is a video of how mould spores reproducing:


When is mould a problem?

You know you have mould when you smell the "musty" odour or see small black or white specks along your damp bathroom or basement walls. Mould is often found in areas where water has damaged building materials and furniture from flooding or plumbing leaks. Mould often grows in rooms with both high water usage and humidity, such as kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and basements. If you notice mould or know of water-damaged areas in your home, it is time to take action to control its growth.

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